Perfect works good now - but i have a little thing with the text descriptions under the pictures now -> you see it in the attachment ..
There is no space between the text of each displayed articel in the widget - is there de possibility to do a maximum number of charters and the rest with "..." and then the "(more)" function like in the attachment with the number
"2" -> this would be great if i can get this output then the widget is perfect

- or if this not possible then the
"1" would be also good - but
"2" would be the best
and how can i change the text size in the description?
Is there a possibility to but the "Read more ->" like in the cms used with the articel previes instead of the "(more)" - thats just a idea to look more professional ...
Thx for your great help

i love your widget hack
with the seo i have it working now your idea was right