Arrow Images:
You can use whatever arrow images you like, but make sure they have transparent backgrounds and save them as transparent .png files and very careful about changing the image file names (see below).
Some things about css function:
In vB 4.0.1, all the rollover images in the postbit footer pointed to "/trans_40b.png". The upgrade to 4.0.2 has seen some changes to the css and now all the buttons point to..
HTML Code:
src="{vb:raw vboptions.cleargifurl}"
The clear.gif acts as a hook or transparent "wrapper" usually in the root dir -
do not edit, move or delete it or you will break all of the rollover images. The actual image names are defined in the postbit.css template ONLY. Also, whatever images you use, they should follow the naming convention...
*********_40_b.png (the image displayed under normal circumstances)
*********_40b-hover.png (the image displayed on mouseover)
If you use different image names than those I've supplied, or are using this as the basis for other button mods, then make sure your choice of image names is reflected in the postbit.css template. In the postbit itself,
all the buttons should point to src="{vb:raw vboptions.cleargifurl}".
This can be used as the basis for any css button mod in the postbit foot and follows the vB4* css conventions. It should make things like
adding a "Send PM" button pretty straightforward.