Originally Posted by simonhind
the idea of this mod is to use it with your existing advertise section of admincp
your customers choose where they want to advertise, then pay for it
you can change the text in the template to suite your own needs
however the pro version is simpler to understand
this mod does not integrate with anything other than reminding yourself to change the value when there is enough spaces left
you will need to test how many your board can handle and what sizes you with them to advertise they banner in
for example 80x210, 25x75 etc
my PRO Version has a better layout for your customers to understand
if you wish to test the advertise section on admincp for limitations
for example how many 80x210 on below whats going on etc...
i will make the PRO version more rebust and still $25 on any addtions i make to it
I will test if you like but im conused as to the new vb advertising option.
I see how to add ads but does the vb advertising options rotate?