Originally Posted by bepe
Different domains should be possible, but different servers would be a problem
... I will try to install it on diff domains as soon that I fixed this charset and gzip problems
Hi bepe, thanks for your reply. I had, sometime ago, set up single-sign-on with mediawiki on a separate subdomain using
NeoJeko's hack. I am still running vb 3.8.1 Following are the links:
wiki : wiki.urduweb.org
In this post NeoJeko notes that..
For the rifeforum.com/rifeforum.org use case, you cannot achieve SSO using this hack across two different domains. It's just how it works - the cookies are not readable across domains. You will need some sort of federated authorization token to achieve this (i.e. SAML tokens or OpenID).
I just hope that you are able to come up with a solution for that too.