I love this hack, but Netscape has been giving me headaches with this one for a WHILE. I finally got really fed up and kept tinkering until I found some solutions! Here is what I did, you can find a zip of the last10 files I changed here if you want to see them:
Note: I am using vBulletin 2.0.3, getting ready to install 2.2, will let you know if there are any problems!
In last10.php (I called mine active.php):
1) Getting rid of that funky town text!
I took all style tags (such as style=\"font-family:$f; font-size:$fs; color:$tc;\") out of the table tags (mostly td) and put them in font tags right after those tags.
For example:
echo("<td style=\"font-family:$f; font-size:$fs; color:$tc;\" align=\"center\"><b>Last Poster</b></td>\n");
I changed to this:
echo("<td align=\"center\"><font style=\"font-family:$f; font-size:$fs; color:$tc;\"><b>Last Poster</b></td></font>\n");
2) Getting rid of the jagged table edges on the right side:
I added an extra td cell at the end of each row so that the full length of the table rows (particularly the colored ones) would show up correctly in Netscape. There are two places that need this- in the top bar that defines each field and then again in the column that actually displays them- thread title, replies, etc. Here is where to find them:
a) In top bar (the one that says Thread Title, Last Poster, etc)- which has displays your $hc color (right after the "Replies" column around line 50). Replace this:
with this:
echo("<td bgcolor=\"$hc\"> </td></tr>\n");
b) Directly beneath the top bar, in the row that displays the actual title of the thread, # of replies where your $hc2 color is. In the echo tag above "// are we showing the last post?" around line 228 replace this:
with this:
[CODE]echo("<td bgcolor=\"$hc2\"> </td></tr>");[CODE]
3) Sprucing up the table:
a) Message text tables- I hardcoded the colspan in line 231, replacing this:
echo("<tr $twt bgcolor=\"$bc\"><td colspan=\"$cols\" style=\"font-family:$f; font-size:$fs; color:$tc;\" align=\"left\">\n");
with colspan=5 so that the message tables were all the same length (you can make it as wide as you like):
echo("<tr $twt bgcolor=\"$bc\"><td colspan=5><font style=\"font-family:$f; font-size:$fs; color:$tc;\" align=\"left\">\n");
b)Getting the dark lines to show up around the table-I added an extra table in my shtml page with the background color I wanted. I dropped the include tags into the middle of this table:
<table width="600" bgcolor="000080" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td>
<!--#include file="last10.php"--></td></tr></table>
It's late- I hope I remembered everything I did, LOL. Feel free to use my upload files as a template or something to compare too. You can see the results here:
I use this script to show forums within certain categories since I have so many boards. It comes in handy, and I'm glad that our Netscape uses can finally see this page correctly. I would still love to have the page show up to match the user-selected style of the boards rather than hardcoded, but I'm not sure how to make that work-yet!