Let me clear some things up as it seems there is some confusion here.
Any original work is automatically copyrighted to the author. This means that you can not use the code he/she has written without permission from the original author. It doesn't change anything if the original coder has not been online for some time or does not respond to your inquiries.
What you may do is:
- Modifiy the modification yourself to suite your needs.
You are not allowed to redistribute such a derived work without the original authors permission.
- Create a new modification coded from scratch implementing the same idea. Such a self coded modification may be distributed at places of your choice.
Originally Posted by theOZer
I apologize.
I'll figure it out on my own. And, if I succeeed, I'll share my success with every one that has been following this mod and using this mod and needing the thumbnails to show in their forums.
And, I tried to contact this Jason Merchant. He did not respond. I tried to contact vB.org on how I could help or take over supporting this mod but, also here, I got no response.