Thanks for your amazingly quick response CoreyHawk.
Just checking:
Install Instructions:
STEP 1: Upload the contents of the "wiki_upload" directory into your wiki root directory.
Done that. I uploaded the contents of the file 'wiki_upload' to the root of my installation. See attachment to view the files I planted into the root, except, of course, the product and the readme file.
I did NOT place the file wholly into my root; there's currently no file called 'wiki_upload' in my root present.
Add this line to the very end of your LocalSettings.php:
define( VB_INSTALL_PATH, '/var/www/html/forum' );
require_once( "$IP/includes/AuthPlugin_vbMediaWiki.php" );
VB_INSTALL_PATH should be the full filesystem path to your vBulletin installation. Ensure you do not add a trailing slash!
This is where I am getting stuck.
I haven't proceeded yet - the product itself has not been installed therefore.
Appreciate your assistance and wisdom mate!