Originally Posted by Stubbed
That has nothing to do with this mod. If you want paypal donations get the appropriate modification for vB.
Don?t worry, he wanted to send me a donation for my work

... and I had no link in the mod post
Originally Posted by Stubbed
bepe - I'm watching this with great interest as well. Along with the CMS in vB4 this would go a long way to helping my community.
Yes, think so too... forum and a wiki are two things that belong together. I want to make a forum for smartphones, produced by HTC, running Windows Mobile or Android ... that is my real playground there

... it's really fun, HTC releases a new device, then we need to hack the protection (on iPhone that is called jail break I think)... after that we can start cooking roms for that device, change languages and more... as I said, my playground

Anyway, now I need a forum, and wiki is really essential, because it's all about getting information about the devices, about different hacks, and so on...
Originally Posted by Stubbed
Regarding the gibberish above, that looks like binary output (ie, a jpg is being generated or something). What headers are being sent to the browser?
yes, thought so too... but it is not... now I?m almost sure, that it is an charset problem