Originally Posted by hollosch
Question about paths:
Wiki is located at www.mywiki.com ( ..httpdocs/www/clients/wiki/w)
vB is located in www.myvBulletin.com/forum ( ..httpdocs/www/clients/forum)
Located both on the same server , but different TLD's point to different folders on the server.
Is it possible to use the vBMediawiki in this configuration ? If yes - which paths to use ?
ow my god... that are questions... needed to Google TLD to find that it is Top-Level-Domain

... sorry, I'm really new to this stuff
It made your question sound so complex somehow
Anyway, both are on the same server, so just set the wiki path to: "http://www.mywiki.com"
The forum path can be relative to the server.. Something like: "../wiki/w" or even full path "..httpdocs/www/clients/wiki/w"
But I did not try it yet... so can not tell for sure if it is working