Originally Posted by xenaxial
I had the define( VB_INSTALL_PATH etc, set /var/www/cassa previously as well and the same garbage appears as described earlier. Thanks for the help, I'll keep tinkering 
I'm really sorry, I cannot recreate that problem :$
... I'm very new to that whole PHP stuff; usually I'm a C++ developer who decided to need a forum with a wiki integrated, so I've never seen something like that output before
We need to wait if some other users will have that same problem too, then we can search for similarities and I'll be happy to fix it
Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu
Seeing as this is BETA its probably prudent to change settings to , Supported. As you seem to be supporting this mod. < watching with interest and tagged
Ok, done ... hey, you look like a dev

... you ever seen such an output? ... I don?t even know what to Google for... perhaps "PHP garbage" ? no idea?