Originally Posted by Demo16
I like it very much, but I would like to put some div there to use some css in order to make some changes (like floating the img to the left and the text on the right).
There's a way to do this?
PHP Code:
$output .= '<center>';
if($image != '') $output .= "<img src='".$image."' width='".$width."px' height='".$height."px' /><br />";
$output .= "<a href='content.php?".$nodeid."-".$url."'>".$title."</a><br /><p>Publish Date: ".$date."</p></br></center><p>".$text." <a href='content.php?".$nodeid."-".$url."'>(more)</a></p><br />";
Replace with something like this:
PHP Code:
$output .= '<div style="float: right; width:255px;">';
if($image != '') $output .= "<img src='".$image."' width='".$width."px' height='".$height."px' style="float: left;" /><br />";
$output .= "<a href='content.php?".$nodeid."-".$url."'>".$title."</a><br /><p>Publish Date: ".$date."</p></br><p>".$text." <a href='content.php?".$nodeid."-".$url."'>(more)</a></p><br /></div>";
Originally Posted by Neptun
i get the widget working now
but there are 2 things what i need to know:
1.) when i click on the "(more)" link in the widget - nothing is working i get nothing displayed ?! (i think the problem is with seo - how can i fix this in the widget in the rest of the cms everything is working with seo .. please help  )
2.) how can i display the showed articels side by side in one row ?!
this would be great if i get this things working
really a great hack 
1. I would have to know what your vbSEO url structure is. Give me some example links to articles or provide me a link to your website.
2. Remove the <center> calls and make a <table><tr><td> would be easiest. It's just simply HTML
Originally Posted by fer_75
The great thing would be to have the latest articles in the current section automatically detected, without to specify $section = 'x'; ... It would be amazing if $section=current section detected.
Would be this possible ?
Hmmn how would this be useful? If they are already in the section it would show the latest articles on the section page?
Originally Posted by iamspookysdaddy
Seems like a mod i need thanks! Is there any way to control what user groups see the widget or not? I would like uno-logged in users to see block with certain articles but if you log in you will not see it.
Please advise....
At the very top of your widget add:
PHP Code:
if($show['guest']) {
And at the bottom add: