Originally Posted by Gnoll
no-word left to describe this work  , only a question this addon can cause a Security Issue ?
Tagged + 
Running a public server is always a Security Issue...
Just joking :P
... How does it work?
1. The user is doing a login via vBulletin, I did not temper with that whole login thing there... so it is as save as VB made it.
2. On access MW checks if a user is logged into VB
If yes, then it also logs in the user with the same name to MW... it creates a new MW user if the user does not exist yet (most likely that is, because it's the first login)
Important: WM does NOT change the VB user... it's only checking if someone is online in VB and the rights he has to access the wiki, then it is only using its own users
3. I did my best to make it secure ... I want to run it on my forum too when it is done
Anyway, I really don?t think it's causing any Security Issue... but if it would, then it's more likely that WM is compromised... but not VB... I hope that makes u feel better now