Originally Posted by woffie
$65.00 for something that is not as good as free, I don't think so. That is the pre-sale price without any kind of demo. Since this is the second time you have metioned this in this thread I assume that you must have some kind of connection to the people who made it or I should say are making it.
Think what you may, but you'd be wrong in that assumption. As you can tell from my post, I have dabbled with just about every chatbox you can think of - to include...
FlashChat, ASPChat (yes ASP - you'd be surprised what you can do with cookies), 123Chat, ProChatRooms, Off-Site Chats, CYBChat, Inferno, MCG Chat (which I paid for and mentioned it is in the process of being updated), as well as GCBOS (which I gave props too as well) and many many others... I hope this chat does work out great, it is the best "normal" chatbox released yet (for 4.0) - albeit with a few kinks. However my users demand an alert sound (which seems minor to some developers and is rarely found in these types of chat engines - minus MCG Chat) and I look for a chat I can easily integrate across the entire site without a lot of template problems - like the arcade, gameroom, photopost addons and other content (which is why I mention other addons such as arrowchat) - So yes, I mention it because had not someone mentioned it in a similar post here - I would not have known it existed....