A few other bugs:
First thing:
The navbar isn't fully rendered. I have customized CSS on my forum which requires the navbar to be there in order to look right. It's because you have in the template:
{vb:raw navbar}
but that's not a registered variable with the template engine. You need to add:
$templater->register('navbar', $navbar);
in order to render the navbar on the screen. If you don't want the navbar rendered, at least make the optimization of not rendering it at the beginning of the script.
Second thing:
After doing the "Change username" option, it doesn't change the username everywhere in the forums - only those that are displayed in posts. This can cause inconsistencies.
For example, in the threadbits it will show the original username (let's say it's Joe) but in the postbits it will display the changed username (Bob). This can cause confusion in the boards. There are other areas where the name change does not affect that's a little less important, such as blog posts (only in vB4 suite, though). vB's database system is pretty stupid. It should logically use a userid for the threadbits display, but it doesn't and instead duplicates data which causes modification problems. Bad database design!