How Would I Link To This Page?
Hello everyone,
I have a question thats been bugging me for ages. I have a daily event down the bottom of my forums. When i click it, it opens up todays event. How could i get a link to do the same? How would the link be structered? Here is the link for today:
Obviously if i put that link somewhere it will always open that days event, but i want it to open the days event its clicked on. ie: If it's clicked next Wednesday, it will open next Wednesdays event?
Thanks very much if anyone can help?
--------------- Added [DATE]1265707573[/DATE] at [TIME]1265707573[/TIME] ---------------
Anyone know how to do this please?
--------------- Added [DATE]1265720292[/DATE] at [TIME]1265720292[/TIME] ---------------
<if condition="!$vboptions['showeventtype']">
$callink: $eventdates
<else />
$eventdate: $daysevents