02-08-2010, 04:42 PM
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Huntsville
Posts: 521
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Version Updates:
Version 4.0.0 - February 8, 2010- Release of this hack for vBulletin version 4.0.x.
- This version works on both 4.0.0 and 4.0.1; message below for more information.
Version 4.0.1 - March 11, 2010- Converted all code to the new vBulletin 4.x format.
- Improved sorting: Now each column will be sorting ASC and if you click on it again, it will go DESC.
- Less php and template edits. You can now set everything from the options area.
- The avatar, profilepic, birthday fields have not been added yet. I'll add them back if people show more interest in this mod.
Version 4.0.2 - March 17, 2010- The ShowRoster Title can now be set from the ShowRoster Settings.
- Online Status indicator works again.
- Online Status indicator can now be turned off/on in the ShowRoster Settings.
- showroster_userbits template has been updated; online status and musername has been made into a table for a nicer layout.
- showroster_header template has been updated; user_name field is now centered.
- Default sorting has been added to the ShowRoster Settings.
- Made a fix to the plugin Viewing ShowRoster Location Display.
- Removed the phasegroup from the product file since the title is now set in the ShowRoster Settings. Also had to update the showroster.php file; $phrasegroups = array() part.
- Added the Last Visit/Activity column with an option to turn it off.
- Found and fixed a problem with one of the IF statements in the SHOWROSTER and showroster_header templates.
- Added the Profile Picture column with an option to turn it on; default is off.
- Added the Avatar column with an option to turn it on; default is off.
- Updated the Viewing plugin to display whatever the user enters for the title.
- TD class has been removed from the showroster_userbits template so the user data looks better for all website styles.
Version 4.0.3 - March 25, 2010- What usergroups are displayed on the roster can now be managed from the ShowRoster Settings. This is a huge thing because now you won't need to Edit Usergroups individually and there is no longer a use for the bitfield_showroster.xml file.
- includes folder, xml folder, and bitfield_showroster.xml file removed from installation package; no longer needed.
- showroster_permissions and showroster_add phrases removed from the install file; no longer needed.
- installcode and uninstallcode for table removed from the install file; no longer needed.
- Updated the Navbar plugin to check the permissions of the access_groups and to register/render the code for the navbar template.
- Updated the navbar template to only display the Roster tab to those in the access_groups list.
- New setting has been added to the ShowRoster Settings that allows the admin to select where the Roster tab should appear on the Navbar: Left, Middle, or Right.
- Updated the Navbar plugin to check for the Roster tab location.
- Added an option to each column for the default sorting; either ASC or DESC. Changes were made to SHOWROSTER template, showroster.php, and to the install file.
- Added an option which allows an admin to set whether a column is sorted as groups or in a single table. Changes were made to SHOWROSTER and showroster templates, showroster.php, and to the install file.
- Added an option which allows an admin to filter out users from the roster if they leave a certain field blank. Changes were made to the showroster.php and to the install file.
- Added an option which allows an admin to filter out users from the roster when sorting certain fields. The users will not appear on the roster if the sorted field is blank. Changes where made to the showroster.php and to the install file.
- Many adjustments have been made to the showroster.php and showroster_header template so the new sorting option will work correctly.
- 4 stylevar vB4 variables have been fixed in the SHOWROSTER and showroster_header templates.
- The roster title has been changed around a bit and the member count has been moved to work with all browsers.
- The sorting links have been moved the mini navbar. They have been placed in a sorting options dropdown.
- The navbar plugin has been adjusted and all coding has been copied to the showroster.php file. This allowed me to use the code from the php file in the mini navbar while allowing the Roster tab to still appear in the menu (whether on the Roster page or not).
- Usergroups are now sorted in the order the id's are entered for the "Usergroups displayed on the roster" setting.
Version 4.0.4 - July 24, 2010- All templates have been updated to work better with the vBulletin 4.x.
- CSS template has been added to help with the template updates.
- The Roster tab on the navbar can now be turned off.
- You can now choose whether to view just primary or secondary usergroups. Or just leave this alone to keep using the default of both. Check the Showroster Settings document and the FAQ post (2 posts down) for more information.
- There is now an ability to use multiple roster on a single site. Although, each roster will use the same columns. Check the Showroster Settings document and the FAQ post (2 posts down) for more information.
- Along with the ability to select usergroup ID's to be displayed on the roster, you can also select which usergroups to be blocked from using this new setting. This is for security purposes.
Version 4.0.5 - August 12, 2010- Templates: statbits has been added for the new statistics table. SHOWROSTER has had some code added to work with the new statbits template. Small changes have been made to other templates.
- CSS template has had some new code added to address the new statistics table.
- A new option settings "ShowRoster Group Settings" has been added for use with the new statistics table.
- A lot of new code has been added to the showroster.php file to work with the new statistics table.
- The image path that is used when a user does not have an avatar has been fixed.
Version 4.1.0 - January 4, 2011- id's and mid's are included in the sort functions.
- Allow the Roster tab to be removed.
- Allow the Roster tab to be renamed.
- Fully redid the navtab code, many times.
- Removed the stats template when sorting.
- Navtab positioning is fully controlled via the plugin; change the execution order to move its order.
- Border should now adjust correctly for all styles.
Future Releases:
Possible Future Add-ons:- Maybe find a way to show how the roster tab can have a dropdown menu for multiple rosters.