Security Issues:
Withing the vB itself, none. They can't do anything that would screw up your database or swipe passwords or get admin access with HTML.
The security issues with HTML are in the code itself.
With it enabled, posters can use any tags, including JavaScript, where the real hazard is.
They can **** with the layout pretty bad... redefine colors on the fly using a <style tag to change the css...
They can add Flash movies and images, embed sound and movie files...
It comes down to how much you trust your mods.
Right now it's based off usergroups... and is set for Admins and Super Mods. You can add more usergroups or remove group 5 to restrict it to just admins.
I didn't add the code to determine if a user is a mod of a certain forum... because if they're just a single forum mod, would they need HTML posting rights? And just in that forum?