Originally Posted by robwoelich
Possible, yes, but not yet implemented.
For the first example, I would have to set up settings for users to specify which forums they wanted texts about/on new threads versus new replies/etc. This will probably be practical within the next version or two of Text Messaging.
For the second example, one of my originally intended notification types/methods was to send a text in accordance with thread subscriptions, i.e. whatever your thread subscription settings were to trigger an email, they would also trigger a text. The problem with that, though, is that the way the subscription notifications are set up with vBulletin, the messages would have to be modified to be text-friendly (160 chars). Until I could figure out a good way to do this, particularly with daily and weekly subscriptions where multiple threads are listed in an email, I decided to hold off. This will also probably be added at some point.
I'd like to find a lot more notification methods/options to add in future versions, and started with the general ones that I thought would be useful. As new versions of Text Messaging come out, though, you're likely to see more notifications options/methods. 
Maybe have an option when creating a thread that allows the thread creator to check a box at the bottom of the page (under "Automatically convert links into videos" or "Disable smilies in text" etc... This way they do not have to subscribe to every thread they create.
Also instead of sending the entire message as a text (which most wouldn't fit the 160 limit) you could send a message stating "New reply to your (thread link)."
Some idea's i thought would be helpful.