Originally Posted by Jibberish
Not sure if its just me but the "Turn off the downloads section for maintenance. There is a usergroup setting to override this option." Needs to be set to yes to activate the downloads section. setting it to no turns the section off. It appears as if the control is backwards on it. Obviously not a big issue, but is odd. Otherwise great mod. Installed
Not a real issue

Yes/No is the response to the title of the setting "DownloadsII Active".
vBulletin itself is using the same kind of style for turning the forum off.
Originally Posted by Robbed
Your readme mentions not to unistall create a new thread addon. Will this addon still work after the upgrade?
Any plans to include it as part of this addon.
It won't work and uninstalling also won't work after upgrading DownloadsII itself (it will throw database errors and won't fully uninstall). Just keep it disabled for the moment. CyberRanger said he's working on an update
Originally Posted by NiTRoN
why my "Add files" section is in Italian?
That's probably caused by the
Releases Box add-on. Not a DownloadsII problem.