Originally Posted by thincom2000
@Destron, the error you see is a "feature" of vBulletin by default. You probably need to adjust Settings > Options > User Profile: Visitor Messaging Options > Allowed BB Code Tags in Visitor Messages.
Thank you, that was exactly what was wrong with it
Originally Posted by TheMayhem
Thanks  No there isn't currently a spanish translation. I've had a few requests to translate this mod but all of them seemed somewhat suspicious because I had multiple users giving me the exact same private message word for word, which made me uneasy as I don't want this mod being released for non vb.com customers or tarnished in any way/shape/form. I'm...protective I guess..
One more question TheMayhem, in categories and items, I set the price to purchase a gift at 32.25, and every item
in the store is sold at that price, regardless of what other price I set for it in the Market Gifts options for each
individual gift. Am I supposed to leave the gift option in categories and items, so that they will be sold at
the price I set in the other option? Thank you.