Originally Posted by Boko577
I need help! How can I delete the gifts from a member? I gave myself a gift to know what it'd look like in the postbit, but I don't want it any more. How can I get rid of this? Can this come in the next update or is there a way I can do it now by editing the code within one of the .php files?
I believe if you make a certain gift inactive, it will not be displayed on the user's posbit or member profile because the query will only display active gifts. Please don't quote me on that as I'm going from memory on how I coded it and won't be on a home computer for another 36 hours. The next version I will apply a feature in the Admin CP that allows you to edit a user's gift purchases since it seems to be a highly requested feature.
Originally Posted by Destron
Is there a spanish translation for this mod?
Otherwise, this is the best mod I've ever seen 

No there isn't currently a spanish translation. I've had a few requests to translate this mod but all of them seemed somewhat suspicious because I had multiple users giving me the exact same private message word for word, which made me uneasy as I don't want this mod being released for non vb.com customers or tarnished in any way/shape/form. I'm...protective I guess..