This is my last ditch attempt at asking what we need to do, to rectify the rsvp page.
Image enclosed is how we have rsvp's output from template calendar_rsvp_bit
I am not sure as previously stated, what templates or code calls what. But this template reproduces "one" result. Therefore it must be called by some other template. I imagine sitting in an if else loop.
The issue is, because it is called within this loop, the rsvp's are returned sequentially. However this could be better returned, if I knew what templates were either side of this one, calendar_rsvp_bit.
Does this make sense.
Ok in more detail.
If I know what comes before and after the call for calendar_rsvp_bit I can code accordingly, to then produce the output as per Image 2 ( showing rsvp's side by side )
I imagine somewhere we must have :
<!--code above here-->
code to display calendar_rsvp_bit
<!--code below here-->
I just cannot find where calendar_rsvp_bit is called from