Thanks for this great mod
Some suggestions:
1. A setting to control the default height of the chat box.
2. An archive page to view the older shouts.
Some small fixes:
1. Remove from gcbos.php:
PHP Code:
This is deprecated. vBulletin isn't using this any more.
2. Replace the cache_templates plugin code with:
PHP Code:
$cache[] = 'GCBOS';
When caching only one or two templates, this is faster than array_merge().
3. Replace
HTML Code:
<script src="clientscript/gcbos.js"></script>
HTML Code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/gcbos.js"></script>
to make it XHTML valid.
4. In the GCBOS template replace
HTML Code:
<img src="images/buttons/collapse_40b.png" alt="" title="Collapse this Category">
HTML Code:
<img src="images/buttons/collapse_40b.png" alt="" title="{vb:rawphrase collapse_this_category}" />
to make it XHTML valid and to phrase it (it's a global phrase, so it works for sure).
5. In the GCBOS template replace
HTML Code:
<input type="text" id="gcbos_input" style="width: 92%; height: 19px; margin: 1px;float:left;" autocomplete="off" />
HTML Code:
<input type="text" id="gcbos_input" style="width: 92%; height: 19px; margin: 1px;float:left;" />
to make it XHTML valid. Autocomplete isn't a valid XHTML attribute. I don't think it's required for the AJAX to function in this case?
6. Hide the notice by default
HTML Code:
<div class="forumrowdata">
<p class="subforumdescription" id="gcbos_notice" style="display:none"></p>
and then use style.display = 'block' in the JavaScript to show it when there actually is a notice. This avoids an empty bar.