i have fixed the Problem, the Chatbox dos not visible on "Who ist Online"
Login in your AdminCP => Insert a net Plugin
Prod. : MGC chatbox Evo
Name : Chatbox display on onlinepage
Hook : online_complete
Pos : 1
Aktive: yes
PHP Code:
if($vbulletin->options['mgc_cb_evo_active'] && $vbulletin->userinfo['mgc_cb_evo_show'] && can_view_mgc_cb_evo())
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_mgc_cb_evo.php');
if (can_view_mgc_cb_evo() && $vbulletin->options['mgc_cb_evo_showthread'])
$replace = ' $mgc_cb_evo ';
if($vbulletin->options['mgc_cb_evo_showthread'] == 1)
$find = '$navbar';
$brb = "";
$bra = "<br />";
$find = '<!-- currently active users -->';
$brb = "<br />";
$bra = "<br />";
$mgc_cb_evo = build_mgc_cb_evo_display($vbulletin->options['mgc_cb_evo_normalmode_height']);
$vbulletin->templatecache['WHOSONLINE'] = str_replace($find,$find . $brb . $replace . $bra,$vbulletin->templatecache['WHOSONLINE']);
thats all ...
then is the Chatbox on "Who is Online"