Originally Posted by theOZer
Thx for you help; what part of Jason Merchant does not support this mod AND HASN'T SINCE HE RELEASED IT and everyone else who uses it has tried to pick up the slack isn't kosher with you?
I did NOT know there was some code of ethics here?
And, stop quoting; any one following this thread can look up at the post above the current post to 'get the drift.'
Ciao, Dennis "theOZer" Osborne
Whoa dude.. whats with the attitude towards someone that is wanting and trying to help? I asked you a very simple question on if the original author had given you permission to take over his work. I looked at the Mod Post and didn't see a remark that he gave you permission to take it over and I wasn't going to sift through all the pages to see if he did. He also didn't mark it with REUSABLE CODE (meaning that anyone could borrow his code and release it). Marking a Modification as Un Supported does not mean that anyone can just take it over.
I am MORE than willing to create a new Mod for vb4, hell, I was going to just give YOU the code so that you could post it as a new mod and support it, but wow with the attitude. NOT the response I thought I'd get, but then again, it doesn't surprise me here anymore.