Ra (aka Silkroad, aka the Sun god) got an irate email from one potential member. So what? If your time is SO bloody valuable that you can't deal with a blocked user, why are you out here arguing whether or not this mod, and the associated database, works properly? Can't you get it through your head that an IP being used to attack our board is a BAD THING? If it wasn't for the fact that this mod did work, I wouldn't have the spare time to be out here making comments.
If I was getting spammed from an IP address, I wouldn't care if it was Sun, the White House, or Bill Gates himself, that IP would get blacklisted. I've been running this mod for about two years now and have never had a single legitimate user blocked. More than 95% of the attempts to register on my board are spammers. I have a real job and don't have time to deal with that mess. This mod has made it possible for me to do both.
Is this mod perfect? No...I know of NO software that is perfect. I would dare say that most of us do not run boards for a living. The way you talk, it's important enough for you that you're concerned, and I'd guess that you're being paid to deal with it.
It doesn't work for you? You claim to be some kind of expert...what it the solution, then? You MUST have a viable solution! If you're not part of the solution, as they say, you're part of the problem.