This is a good mod and I will gratefully continue to use it but there is a definite problem with WIN7 IE8. As posted previously you can't see the navigation images with that combination.
The work around is to use compatability view but when you do that it ruins images in the forum. The images break the bottom boundary of the post and half the image ends up in the next post(or sit behind the next post)........exactly the same way they do if you are viewing the forum when using IE6 or 7 if you hit Crtl+F5 the images display as they should.........Conpatability mode also casues issues with the smiles........It shows more smiles than default, about 10 exttra smiles are present, where they should be hidden behind "More" they are covering "more" in the quick reply of Blogs section and in the "Advance Posting Options" in the forum........ those two browsers are simply no good for viewing images with VB4.
Whilst not being able to see the navigation images using WIN7 and IE8 is not a overly massive issue........the fact remains the there is a problem with the code.......somewhere, albeit a small problem...
Like I said I am grateful for your efforts and if you can identify the problem it would be a sensational mod.