Originally Posted by Ted S
I suppose we disagree then... The benefit I see is getting events into forums which lets people see them rather than creating a seperate list of events in a new forum. But of course it's your mod, do you object if I post the code hacks to make this work to anyone wanting to do the same?
You can post it if you like but I will not support any one who installed your code.
If you would please when you post it Post in that post that I will not support it.
It is getting hard to keep up with all the post here already. Let alone trying to support third party code in this thread.
The whole point of having an event forum, Was to have a forum/forums for your events to be posted in. Mixing event threads in with the other threads may cause a lot of issues since in an event forum this rewrites the title and also the first post is hidden and replaced with the calendar bits. Which is the whole reason I will not include it. I see it causing many issues.