Originally Posted by timhieuxem
hi fayax... i did follow all the steps. This morning I logined my google analytics.. here is the tracking status: Tracking Not Install... The google analytics tracking code has not been detected on your website's home page. For analytics to function you or your web admin must add the code to each page of your website.... what did i do wrong? THanks
first off I am not fayax I quoted his post.
Read the instructions really slow. You are not going to the settings for the modification.
Go to your admincp -> settings -> options => in the long list of option go to BBR google analytics and double click it.
Set active to yes. Go to Google Analytics you will see a number like this UA-xxxxxxx-xx ( where x- is a number) Copy that in to the box that is there on the settings page.
I do not know why this is so hard for you. You have not clicked installed. If these instructions are to hard for you I do not know what to say. Installing a modification is not this hard.