Originally Posted by Ranger187
Sorry, currently I don't have this installed as ALL my forums are 4.0. I don't think I *ever* viewed it that way. Normally I'd view the archive by clicking the archive link. You can set it to not purge. I'm not sure why you would want to save the chats as that would make an extremely large and *risk corrupting data* when it becomes excessively large. You can export them by clicking the export link. You could just do an iMACROS function from Firefox that would do it.
But I will pass your suggestion to the lead developer. 
I dont want the chats be saved forever. But I do want to export them so that i can clear the chatbox again.
They will be saved temporarily, like a week or 2.
The export link isn't working for me when i click that archive link. I dont have the permission it says. The usergroup permissions are fine.