Originally Posted by KURTZ
correct, it runs with the FB bridge ... sorry for the previous post ...
anyway i think that this hack need a fix for the 'default time zone' ... 
As I said I will look into it.
After looking into it more the way it is is the best way to do it. I am not editing the calendars default code.
This is how the vBulletin calendar works.
If I set the event that is in Ohio to Ohio's timezone and then you travel from Maryland to Ohio you will then be on Ohio's timezone so there would be no change in the time listed. If you are in the hotel in Ohio and sign on to the site and your setting is for EST cause you live in Maryland then the time for the event will be wrong and you will be a hour late.
Further more as the user sets the time for events there is no way to change their setting for each end user. That is just how the calendar works.