I'm still pretty pleased with this hack
But I would like to tweak it a bit but I do not know how.
I have my "Mark Forum Read" added to my "Forum Display" template so that the user can click on it while looking in the forum. FWIW, this is the code I used:
PHP Code:
<a href="member.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=markforumread&forumid=$foruminfo[forumid]">Mark Forum Read</a>
What I would like to make it do is when the user clicks on that link, it not only marks that forum read, but it jumps the user to that forum's parent forum. The logic being (and EZB did this too)... if you've finished reading the forum, then you probably don't want to look at it anymore! Cut out an extra click for the user and bring them back up a level. I hope that makes sense.
I assume this would have to be tweaked in the member.php file, but I'm not exactly sure how to do that.
Any suggestions?