Originally Posted by BBR-APBT
Did you follow the instructions to the left of the box where you fill out your account information for each forum?
There is a link you have to click to get it to work.
i dont know how to say this, but wow was i stuck on stupid for a while.
so ive been knockin myself up trying to get this to post int he app or group page and for a while to no avail. then ur post made me redo everything n re-re-re-read everything again.
low n behold i was putting the wrong input this whole time.
i was using "http://www.facebook.com/pages/mypagename/mypageid". the right way off cource, was to put in just the page ID without the long url .
anyways..i put in the page ID and it works , so to try and push it even further i got the page ID of the group wall and put that in. and now all post are being posted in the group page like i wanted it to int he first place.
thank again BBR for making me rethink/redo the whole process.