Hi fellow vb users!
Hope i can get an answer here to a problem that i have been having. I have user registrations closed on my forum because i run a mmorpg game and when user makes an account in my game, it automatically makes then an account on the forum.
I have no problem creating user account for the forums, however i would like to insert data into the userfield table under a custom field name.
here is my code
PHP Code:
define('SKIP_USERINFO', 1);
$newuser =& datamanager_init('User', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_ARRAY);
$newuser->set('username', $username);
$newuser->set('email', $email);
$newuser->set('password', $pass2);
$newuser->set('usergroupid', 3);
//$newuser->validfields['alias'] = array(TYPE_STR, REQ_NO);
//$newuser->set('alias', $alias);
echo "<div class=\"errorbox\">";
foreach ($newuser->errors as $errors)
echo $errors."<br/>";
echo "</div>";
$nuid = $newuser->save();
What i need is to insert their alias thats in the game into the database. Ideally i would prefer to insert the alias into the user table so its stored with the password and userid etc.. if i cant do that, inserting it into the userfield table is just as good. I have been prowling the interwebz for hours and i cannot get a straight answer. I found many threads on various forums saying to user user profile field manager or user asking why does it need to be in this way etc.
Please if anyone knows how to do this let me know as this is a real snag. i really don't want to do it manually via an external sql query. If what i am asking is not possible or you dont know, then maybe you can tell me how to use the $vbulletin variable to execute a query as i dont want to connect to the vb database manually.
You can see that i have messed around with validfields but don't quite understand them fully. The vbulleting manual was not 100% clear of what exactly i had to do
Many kudos to those who can help me.