Originally Posted by mobe00
here are some other cool effect for the <img class"xxxxxxxx" tag from netzgesta.de
* Initialisation class "instant"
* vary the shadow by adding ishadow followed by the desired opacity in percent:
Shadow opacity class "ishadow" - min=0 max=100 default=33
* vary the frame by adding icolor followed by the desired color as hex:
Frame color class "icolor" - min=000000 max=ffffff default=f0f4ff
* vary the tilt direction by adding one of the following:
Tilt direction class "itiltleft" or "itiltnone" or "itiltright"
by default "instant.js" cycles through [left|none|right].
* prevent the shading by adding noshading:
Shading off class "noshading"
* vary the border design by adding historical:
Frayed border class "historical"
* prevent quadratic corner by adding nocorner:
Round corner class "nocorner"
* preserve the image aspect ratio by adding preserve:
Image aspectratio class "preserve"
* vary the annotation text by adding itxtcol followed by the desired color as hex:
Text color class "itxtcol" - min=000000 max=ffffff default=000000
* get the text from alt attribute by adding itxtalt:
Text selection class "itxtalt"
* get the text from title attribute by adding itxttitle:
Text selection class "itxttitle"
Its a seriously sexy bit of code huh Mob.