Originally Posted by imported_silkroad
As I said, we have disabled IP checking in this mod and may disable the entire mod if we see more false positive complaints from our user base.
It seems that you completely missed (or ignored)
post #875 in this thread, where someone else took the time to research the IP in question. Post #875's author not only provided
proof of spamming by that IP going back to January 18, 2010, but they also
gave you the Google link so that you could see it for yourself.
Therefore, the listing for that IP in the Stop Forum Spam database is a legitimate entry. Your concerns should be taken to Stop Forum Spam, not hashed with the author of this add-on.
Also, the add-on has the capability to allow or deny registration based on whether the registering person/bot is listed in the database:
If "check database for username" is selected:
Username found in database: allow or deny registration?
If "check database for email address" is selected:
Email address found in database: allow or deny registraton?
If "check database for IP address" is selected:
IP address found in database: allow or deny registration?
Pedigree specifically wrote these options so that
you could configure this add-on to settings that matter to you. If you don't want to check IP, then don't check it. Same with username or email address. It's not Pedigree's fault that
you selected options that were later found to be restricting registrations to your forum.
(And personally, if someone told me they were using their employer's "internal server" to access the Internet, I'd smell a fish. Isn't the whole point of an internal server to keep it isolated from the external Internet? How did a server that is isolated from the external Internet manage to reach your forum?
All this person had to do was register from their home IP, this would get them around the Sun IP ban, and then they could use your forum from work. Unless they're a spammer who's using the Sun IP as a relay -- in which case, the database worked as intended, wouldn't you agree?)