Ok, So I downloaded your product thinking it would be fun to try. Installed fine. It's just not working.
I am able to open the page but other than your write up on the right side I don't see anything on the left side.
So what did I miss?
Is the system enabled? Yes
Add a link to the navigation menu? No
Show Bookmarked Songs? Yes
Show songs that this user has bookmarked on pandora? Yes
Show Bookmarked Artists? yes
Show artists that this user has bookmarked on pandora? Yes
Show Listeners Stations? Yes
Show stations that this user has bookmarked on pandora? Yes
Show Currently Listening to? Yes
Show what the user is currently listening to? Yes
Show Listeners Recent Activity? Yes
Show the users recent activity? Yes
Show Permalinks? No
Show links to the pandora pages? Yes
figured it out. It didnt like my username Strange just retyped it and it was fine.