After I upgraded to 4.0 (now 4.0.1), I am unable to install any new styles.
I contacted vbulletin about the problem (and some other problems) and they said "
There is no problem on the vB4 end regarding third-party styles,. Any problems you are having have to do with those styles".
When I install a style, the only thing that changes is the banner logo at the top of the forum and the read/unread post images. Nothing else changes. There are no red X's to indicate a missing image file or anything like that.
Here is a 4.0.1 style I installed, only the 2 images work... the color stays the standard VB colors.
Just to make sure it wasn't just an issue with this skin, I have also tried all the styles on the first 2 pages of the styles section. Same issue with everyone of those styles as well. I know there is some issue with 4.0 styles on 4.0.1, so I also tried all the 4.0.1 "
ok'd" styles. Same problem.
Anyone else having this problem? Any thoughts on a fix... maybe I have some setting wrong?