Do us both a favor, stop using the database and uninstall the mod because I certainly have better things to do that listen to you rant in whatever thread you decide to post in and I certainly dont have time to drop whatever Im doing to help fix your problem.
That IP looks like a real false positive, I mean, there is no way that a IP allocated to Sun could ever spam right? All those people that reported that box mustve been reporting it as part of some vindictive plan to undermine Sun.
I dont like your attitude, the way that you complain in most threads and the way that you think the world owes you attention. I hope you uninstall my mod and never visit this thread again. Im sure Im not the only one that would be happier not to see you around as well. Mod of the month, 2000+ installs, and Im sure that there are a lot of happy people, some that have PMed me asking (nicely) for help, whom Ive spent hours with. You however are better off without the support of the community that attempts to help others.
Next time, i suggest typing an IP into google. I mean, with your "15 years of anti-spam" experience.... I hope you dont charge by the hour...