Originally Posted by Welshy2008
@ ChrisG
Are you able to find ones that are slightly higher and loger? They are too small.
Thanks for sharing though.
There are many flag icon sets out there, and easy to find. Round ones, glossy/gel button ones. Big ones. Small ones.
Find some here:
For $6 this set is pretty nice:
Here's a bunch of different ones:
Note to others:
The terrific thing is, Jamie's script works with any set, so longs as your list in your custom menu matches the file names of the images in your folder.
On a side note: I realized after the fact that Jamie used ".GIF" and mine were lower case ".gif" so it initially gave me a broken link, but it was a simple fix to make the code lower case... easier than changing them to uppercase on all my file names. As a consequence, it would be just as easy to use PNGs or JPGs, and just change the suffix in the code.
PS. I really have to hand it to Welshy2008 / Jamie, it's a very flexible script. Simple, easy to customize and could be repurposed for so many things. Kudos.
Voted: 5 stars.