a) What i must type in in "Aplication Webside"? My own URL if i register in Twitter?
b) And the manuall Twittericon ist not correct working. Then comes "failed" and the "t" don't light up, but only if i use bit.ly.
If i use normaly Twitter with the URLs, than the Icons work correct.
c) and i have in cronjob (vBulletin Tweet Poster: Hot Threads) followed problems:
6 thread(s) have been fetched from the database!
vBSEO has been detected and initialized!
UTF-8 Converting isn't enabled! (if you're already UTF-8 then don't worry!)
[threadid] => 11463
[title] => Metro 2033 | Deutscher Trailer
[forumid] => 450
[userid] => 351
[usergroupid] => 6
[membergroupids] => 15,16
URL re-written by vBSEO!
Tweet: Metro 2033 | Deutscher Trailer: :thq: F?rchte die http://www.xboxgamertag.de/f450-trai...r-trailer.html
Length: 136
[request] => /statuses/update.xml
[error] => Incorrect signature
Twitter message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<error>Incorrect signature</error>
In the Settings in the Twitteraplication i have "read & write" enable.
What can i do?