Originally Posted by Idawg
Okay, I might sound like a nub here, but I have used this mod in the past (3.7 board). I am having issues getting a banner to appear ANYWHERE..
I currently have this code in my Navbar, at the bottom: <center>@vbbanners@</center>
And that is all that appears below my navbar (centered)..
And I take it that is what you use for position 0???
If I want to use position 2, is this what I do - @vbbanners:2@??
Is there a master 'Enable' button somewhere that I missed??
Or maybe it is late and I am cold LOL
Thanks !!
Please see this tutorial which shows how to implement your first banner with version 2.2.2 of this product. It also shows exactly where and how to setup an alternative placeholder, and gives a demonstration of erratic and fixed insertion of placeholders.