Originally Posted by Idawg
Okay, I might sound like a nub here, but I have used this mod in the past (3.7 board). I am having issues getting a banner to appear ANYWHERE..
I currently have this code in my Navbar, at the bottom: <center>@vbbanners@</center>
And that is all that appears below my navbar (centered)..
And I take it that is what you use for position 0???
If I want to use position 2, is this what I do - @vbbanners:2@??
Is there a master 'Enable' button somewhere that I missed??
Or maybe it is late and I am cold LOL
Thanks !!
That's about where I got confused, too.
You need to place the code into the templates as follows:
PHP Code:
PHP Code:
PHP Code:
... etc.
Include the <! -- and --> tags.