For people looking for the reason why certain random search terms are appearing on their pages, here's what to do:
- Go to ACP > Plugins and Products > Plugin Manager
- Scroll down until you find Product : Fuzzy SEO Booster RC2
- Find Forum Seoqueries - init_startup and click Edit
- Inside the small text box, find the text
//imitating http_referer variable uncomment this line if you want to test plugin
- Delete everything between that and the following text:
//$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] = '';*/
- Your code should now look something like this:
$seoqueries->searchterms = TABLE_PREFIX .'seoqueries_terms';
$seoqueries->searchterms_data = TABLE_PREFIX .'seoqueries_data';
$seoqueries->searchterms_stats = TABLE_PREFIX .'seoqueries_terms_stats';
$ref = seoqueries_get_refer();
$type_id = seoqueries_get_type_id($vbulletin->GPC);
As long as you get rid of the code between the two commented-out lines, you should be fine. Remove the incorrect search terms from your database using phpmyadmin (clear the three tables that the plugin created).
Also, shout-out to nightbloom for having the guts to run an Aion fansite not called!