Originally Posted by jbj
Im confused with this in the instructions.
Set the Callback URL to your vBulletin url (example: http://www.siteurl.com/forum/)
I see allot of callback url settings.
What specific callback URL do I need to set here?
I see Information Update Callback URL,Post-Authorize Callback URL,Post-Remove Callback URL
They changed a few things since this mod was developed. I believe you just put it in Post-Authorize Callback, if I'm not mistaken.
Go to the Canvas tab and set the Canvas Page URL (to whatever you want)
What is a canvas page? 
It's in the Facebook Application you just created.
Originally Posted by fmckinnon
Has anyone else gotten this warning from Facebook Developers? I'm assuming this is applying to this plugin, as we aren't using any other "facebook connect" features on our site. See below, hope to hear back from the coder. We are running the latest version:
Yeah, it's related to the publishing method the mod uses. It doesn't sound like anything will be affected, the way they've phrased it. It just won't be the most optimum way to publish anymore. I imagine they'll eventually phase it out.