Originally Posted by siriuxs
Please update for vbulletin 4
I'm working on this

Just keep it installed for the moment and disable it (if you upgrade to vB4/v6).
Originally Posted by shadowla05
i hope i get help here since it seems there no more support 4 this here.
ok so i had my domain name change on my forums everything looks to b working fine now, but i notice that there are still links pointing to my old domain.
I have the DownloadsII with the DownloadsII Create Thread addon and all the link the old links that DownloadsII Create Thread did are still pointing to the old domain so im wondering of there is a way to change the dirrection of the old domain to the new one???
You can do a search and replace in your posts table (as there will be other old links to, not only from this DownloadsII add-on):
http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showt...o-a-new-domain (backup your database first!)
And the best thing is to setup redirects on your old domain name. Don't put it offline, that's bad for your SEO.