First of all nobody is forcing you to install this mod so kindly don't get panic. Second thing is, if you think offensive language can get answers to your questions any faster then you are totally wrong my friend. We are not here to do any kind of fraud.
AdiInviter is fully legal and copyrighted product.
Now about your question, Let me first tell you how this thing works..
AdiInviter simulates actual login, exporting contacts and sending emails (using
php MAIL() function) to selected contacts. Its just like humans do manually in any webmail (like gmail, yahoo etc.).
Now whenever any of these services (like gmail, yahoo) changes/updates their codes then we have to update our libraries accordingly. Hence contact inviters require much frequent updates.
Last thing is, if your 2 members complained you about weird behavior in their webmail accounts then my answer is its not because of AdiInviter script (Unless you/someone modified code at other end). If you still think AdiInviter is causing it then kindly make 1 account on some webmail and test it yourself whether same thing is happening or not.
About, asking vBulletin staff to verify our codes, discussing full version in this topic :
We answer full version questions only in Projects Planet forums. Because its against vb.org policies to provide paid product support in here. And we are not some cowards to hide behind our fans at Projects Planet. Because there are better ways to do frauds rather than stealing email ids.
@Zaiaku, that is a remote debugger feature we had in our very old versions. The service has been taken down now. You can visit that url to confirm. Remote dubugging feature was provided to solve problems in more faster ways. All it was able to do is create 1 xml and write full error code with text (No error can disclose entered email and its password) and submit it to us. So we were able to get quick and exact idea of problem.
For e.g.
Member in some community complains his admin : No email is received when i select contact and hit send invite button.
Now that admin will explain same to us but to diagnose problem, generated xml will give us exact location in code we are suppose to look in to.
That was the only use of it. And feature can be turned off. Current versions do not have that feature.
Everything is happening at your end only and there is no way we or you (unless you modify code at your end) or some members can steal data.
The only thing happens in AdiInviter is
Nothing is going up.

Let me know if you have more queries.
Originally Posted by BiMBo3MeNDo
why I cant invite my msn contacts??? 
Please read features in main post. Free version supports only GMAIL and YAHOO.