I was this close to installing this but since the basically the processing takes place on your server and not that of my own hard to really say how safe it is and also how reliable it is. If your site/server is having any problems I will not be able use this on my own site. Great product just not for me on this one.
Also since everything is really done on your server there no way to verify the safety of the product besides just taking your word for it. I can not tell all my members that its perfectly safe when there info is being process through someone else server and all they tell me is that is completely secure.
Even if it is secure, since the code
... $debug_response = $this->post("http://debug.projectsplanet.org/debug/remote_debugger.php",...
for example you can change it at any time to gain info. In no way am I stating that you would but again I have no control over it and its a thought for safety of my members.