Originally Posted by Jesh
Getting 500 internal server error, any ideas?
Nope... you must have made a syntax error.
Originally Posted by Bouncer222
This mod is all great and I love the idea, never thought of it... but..
How exactly is it helping you get visitors to your site from those viewing your twitter page? I mean...all those threads that are relayed to twitter to be posted have no link backs to your actual vbulletin site, do they? Correct me if I'm wrong.
But if it just copies threads/posts and posts it on tweeter without some sort of link back to original thread... then what's the use?
Again, correct me if I'm wrong.
And thanks for the mod!
Bit.ly is being used to make sure your URLs don't break the 140 chars limit for the whole message. A prefix could take 10 chars, a thread title up to 85, leaving you with 45 chars for the URL, 43 if you substract 2 spaces... so to ensure that the URL fits I shorten it.
Bit.ly redirects traffic to the shortened URL to your site. And bit.ly keeps stats of this, so you get stats on who is clicking through as a result of twitter.
Originally Posted by blake247
I have the same error
The authentication error is a result of not following the instructions.
Note tazattitude's post:
the bitly should look like this (example)
$bitly = new Bitly('testUser', 'R_hj3456hgf3hig56hi2gf6');
not $bitly = new Bitly('<testUser>', '<R_hj3456hgf3hig56hi2gf6>');